Windows is not free software and the price of a license will be included with components.
The cost of a Windows license is usually included in pre-built computers, but to install it on a newly built machine, it costs $119 for Windows 10/11 Home.
You must know me personally or know someone else who knows me personally. Currently, I’m trying to keep this business local as I have no physical location and I’m still in school.
These are products that I don’t sell and must be bought separately.
I can’t list a specific price as there are plenty of options to get the job done. I can show you options and help you choose.
You can buy them, or you can have me buy them and add it to the invoice.
Why should I trust you over a different repair shop?#
I’m not beholden to a retailer whose job it is to sell you products (looking at you, Geek Squad and Micro Center, although Micro Center is still a great computer store).
I don’t want to hide what I’m doing. Knowledge is power. I want to share exactly what I’m doing, and if you ask, how to do what I’m doing so you can fix your own things.
I know that if you’re satisfied, you will keep me in mind for another problem you need solved. We both benefit.
What if I need help with something that’s not listed here?#
No problem. You can tell me a job you need done and I’ll give you a custom quote. If enough people want it, I might list it too.